V eredas _ C afes of P araná
Northern Paraná. "Red Land"
Leisure, Cultural, Faith, Gastronomy, Nature
Northern Paraná is a region blessed with surprising landscapes, new and planned cities, richness in culture, faith, gastronomy of all ethnicities, presenting classic tourist attractions.
Londrina, the second largest city in Paraná, and other cities in the region are practical examples of planned and organized cities.
The region has an agricultural tradition - large farms of coffee, cattle, cotton, sugar cane, silkworm, and many flowers, etc.
Differentiated ethnic formation, with strong traits of Japanese culture, merging with the customs of Brazilians, Arabs, Germans, Italians and Portuguese.
Circuit cities: Ribeirão Claro / Bandeirantes / Londrina / Ibiporã /
Rolândia / Arapongas / Apucarana.

Duration: 04 days and 03 nights
Dates scheduled for 2022
Price per person, from October 2021
1st day: Curitiba> Ribeirão Claro
At 8 am departure from Curitiba to visit cities in the North of Paraná. Lunch / snack stop (Optional)
Arrival in Ribeirão Claro, late afternoon. Accommodation and dinner. Remaining time for personal activities at the place of lodging.
2nd day: Ribeirão Claro> Bandeirantes> Londrina
After breakfast, departure to visit the Pênsil Bridge, under the waters of the Paranapanema River, dam of the Chavantes Plant. Visit to the São Vicente Palotti Shrine - time for individual prayers.
The tour continues on to the city of Bandeirantes.
Bandeirantes da Fé Route.
The Sanctuary of São Miguel Arcanjo awaits you!
Third largest Shrine in the world dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel. In the Sanctuary complex there is the largest image of Archangel Michael, an 81-meter-high cross, monuments that dominate the landscape. At the foot of the cross is the Grotto of Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, the Chapel of Adoration. Ideal place for a true encounter with God. The highest concentration of believers occurs for the "Healing and Liberation" masses. Through this search, the Sanctuary has become one of the largest centers of religious pilgrimage in Northern Pioneer and Southern Brazil. The sanctuary is under the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel and
Our Lady of the Apocalypse, the “crushing of the serpent's head”.
On the 29th of each month, all day long celebrations take place that provide experiences of faith and acceptance. Lunch.
- Visit to the Sanctuary of Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus “the Santa das Rosas”, for a moment of prayer, ask or
thank for some grace.
- at 3 pm, Holy Votive Mass to Saint Michael the Archangel.
- Free time to visit the Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Grotto, the 81 meter cross, the Adoration Chapel,
religious goods store, cafeteria, restrooms, etc.
- At 17h00 we continue our trip to the city of Londrina. Panoramic night tour of the city. Accommodation and dinner.
3rd day: Veredas _Cafés do Paraná> Londrina> Ibiporã
After breakfast, departure for tours all day. Discover and visit Londrina , the second largest city in Paraná. Various cultural attractions, of faith, gastronomy, handicrafts, monuments, parks and squares. Stop for lunch.
The tour continues to the city of
Ibiporã - Terra Bonita of talents and charms . Panoramic tour with visits to Museums, buildings with ancient architecture and many stories from the past decades about Coffee, from this region that was once the National Capital in the production of Coffee. Return to Londrina, remaining free time for personal activities. Optional dinner. Overnight stay.
4th day: Londrina> Rolândia> Arapongas> Apucarana> Curitiba
Breakfast. At 7:30 am departure from the hotel to return to Curitiba. Panoramic visit to the city of Rolândia -This city, alongside others with a strong Japanese influence, looks more like a German city. A typical German portal is shown at the entrance.
Descendants of Germans, Japanese and other migrants combined their cultures, histories, gastronomy, typical parties very well maintaining their traditions and contributing to a beautiful, cheerful and welcoming city.
Following trip for a panoramic visit to the city of Arapongas - Cidade dos Passarinhos. Panoramic tour to get to know the landmark of the capricorn tropic, Parque dos Pássaros - postcard of the city and also a large colony of Japanese people that promote the annual festival, of the Egg and the Avocado.
Apucarana - Capital of the Cap . One of the ethnic groups that predominates in the city, annually, promotes a Japanese Cherry Festival.
The trip continues to Curitiba, with a stop for lunch (optional for lunch or snack).
Arrival in Curitiba in the early evening. Completion of our services in this schedule.
The). Roadmap with detailed descriptions to live experiences in each city,
you find in our Tourist Guide. Contact us on whatsapp 41.9.9111-1579.
- types of accommodation and stops for meals; cultural tourist attractions;
of faith; nature; gastronomy, etc.
B). Lodging. With breakfast (buffet).
Category 4 * and similar hotels, located close to restaurants, bars,
shopping, etc.
ç). Meals. Traditional and typical food restaurants, colonial cafes, coffee shops
and confectioneries, etc., always the best.
d). Transport. Bus or van with companies that offer the best comfort,
panoramic windows , spacious seats, wifi, mineral water, air conditioning, etc.
and). Guide - tourism professional accompanying the group from the beginning to the end of
f). Day trips and tours.
Included in this program
- Tour vehicle circuit;
- 03 nights of accommodation, with breakfast - buffet, and
hotel fees;
- 04 meals (02 lunches and 02 dinners ( without drinks );
- 01 snack on board ( served on the 4th day );
- Entrances to visiting places where they are charged;
- Local tourism guide, in Londrina;
- Guide - professional escort;
- National health / travel insurance.
Not included : everything that is not included in the

Historical Museum of Café_Londrina

Londrina - Land of the Red Feet.
Reference to settlers of all origins who got their feet dirty in agricultural tasks.
It is a beautiful, cultural and at the same time modern and professional city.
In the past and today the city has a variety of nationalities, including Brazilian, British, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, German, Polish, Spanish, Arabic, etc.
With a diversified economy, the city has become a cosmopolitan and vibrant metropolis, an important university and culture center.
Old houses from the time of the coffee barons live in harmony with an exotic Muslim mosque, a Buddhist temple and an old, typically English train station.
From Londrina and region, our itineraries provide an opportunity to learn about the origins, history and experience the natural and cultural attractions of Northern Paraná. The tours include visits to historic farms, cultural centers, rural restaurants and picturesque places.
Apucarana: “Cidade Alta”
and with one of the best climates in Brazil
Coffee culture has a tradition in this city and was once considered “Ouro Verde” and contributed to the development of the municipality. Today the city is recognized as the cap's national capital.
The city brings together numerous religious beliefs, Catholic sanctuaries and caves, orthodox churches, Buddhist temples, evangelical churches and religious spaces in the open in the middle of nature.
Josefino-Marelliana Spirituality Center, São José Oblates, with an iconographic exhibition of sacred arts, in painting, sculptures and sacred images by great artists. Beautiful and privileged space with 1590 paintings and sculptures by São José, 4,500 artistic works by the Mother of God and many photos.
Bandeirantes - São Miguel Arcanjo, pray for us!
São Miguel Arcanjo is the angel that best symbolizes the struggle of good against evil.
In the North of Paraná, in the city of Bandeirantes is the 3rd Largest Sanctuary in the World.
The Sanctuary of São Miguel Arcanjo awaits you!
Ideal place for a true encounter with God. On the 29th of each month there is the greatest concentration of faithful to participate in the “healing and liberation” masses. Through this search, the Sanctuary has become one of the largest centers of religious pilgrimage in southern Brazil.
The Sanctuary is under the protection of Our Lady of the Apocalypse,
the “crushing of the serpent’s head”.
This city, along with others with a strong Japanese influence, looks more like a German city.
Descendants of Germans, Japanese and other migrants combined their cultures, histories, gastronomy, typical parties very well maintaining their traditions and contributing to a beautiful, cheerful and welcoming city.
Beautiful landscapes, outside the urban center, with paths lined with coffee plantations, soybeans, cotton and others
that lead to the various rural tourist developments.
Arapongas: “Cidade dos Passarinhos”
The title is due to the fact that many streets and avenues have the name of a bird. Planned city, with wide and tree-lined streets, modern and many furniture industries, among others.
Close to the city, Colônia Esperança, over 80 years old, founded by a Japanese missionary who migrated to the red and fertile lands. The colony portal, houses and the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in oriental architecture, preserving traditions and customs.
Ribeirão Claro - from the taste of coffee to the colors of nature
Born from the pioneering spirit of migrants from São Paulo and Minas Gerais, the past is marked by coffee. Around 1895, the purple land and the culture that began in the region, countless families saw in the new location the opportunity for a better life with coffee production.
The tourist potential of the city is also receiving increasing recognition. The privileged location, on the banks of the Paranapanema River, the beautiful natural landscapes and the proximity of the Chavantes Dam attract tourists from different regions.
The Alves Lima Suspension Bridge is one of the three suspension bridges in Brazil and the only one in the country with wooden floors and sides. It has been listed by the state heritage, at the state level, twice.
Rural Tourism in the old coffee farms that preserve rustic environments contrasting with the warmth of the facilities amidst natural beauty, history, flavors and aromas.
Visitors' day starts with a rural café. On the menu, only natural or handmade products.
Religious tourism is also present in Ribeirão Claro, which is part of the Rota do
Rosary. The Sanctuary of San Vicente de Pallotti is the only one dedicated to the saint in the world. It stands out for its modern structure and for receiving numerous pilgrims who seek sacred intercession.